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How to Identify a Great Leader

A Great leader is born with a vision to see things in the right perspective and in the right direction.

Some of the wise traits of the Great and skilled leaders are that they have the uncanny ability to find out what others have done and they do not hesitate to learn from them and then optimize on their strong virtues to make themselves above average and reap the best rewards.

Skilled leaders have a broad and wide vision to anticipate opportunities and make them viable and face the facts squarely by willing to learn from anything and anybody.

Great Leaders do not regret what they cannot do, instead focus on what they can do best  as if you are clear about your goals and targets, you stand a better chance at succeeding, leaving out the unwanted things.

A Great and a skilled leader has the strength to take bold decisions, as decision is only thinking things in totality and it takes determination to translate your thought process into actions, hence decision is the starting force, while determination is the sticking to its power.

Great Leaders are persistent people and they often begin their success where others end in failure, and at times they may make wrong decisions or conditions may change in due course of time but they tend to adjust, would and have a flexible approach to all aspects of the process.

Great Leaders have developed the ability to do things as dreams need to be translated into reality with actions, and have an insight to develop power to do things, gain knowledge, build moral character, and in the process make good money, have rewarding relationships, healthy lifestyles, and a stabilized life.

Great Leader Characteristics

Great leaders possess a combination of many different characteristics that enable them to inspire and motivate others to achieve their goals. Some of the characteristics of a great leader include:


Great leaders have a clear and compelling vision for the future, and they are able to inspire others to work towards it. They are able to see opportunities and challenges ahead and guide their team towards success.


Great leaders are honest and transparent in their actions and decisions. They are reliable and can be trusted to do the right thing, even when it's difficult.

Emotional intelligence

Great leaders are able to understand and manage their own emotions, as well as the emotions of others. This helps them to communicate effectively and build strong relationships with their team.

Communication skills

Great leaders are able to communicate clearly and effectively, both in writing and in person. They are able to convey their ideas and vision to their team, and they listen to others and consider their feedback.


Great leaders are able to understand and relate to the experiences and perspectives of others. They are able to see things from different points of view and show compassion and understanding towards their team members.


Great leaders are confident in their abilities and their vision. They are able to inspire confidence in their team and motivate them to achieve their goals.


Great leaders are humble and acknowledge the contributions of others. They are willing to admit when they are wrong and learn from their mistakes.

Servant leadership

Great leaders are focused on serving their team and helping them to succeed. They prioritize the needs of their team over their own and work to support and empower them.


Great leaders are able to adapt to changing situations and environments. They are able to adjust their leadership style and approach to suit the needs of their team and the task at hand.

Strategic thinking

Great leaders are able to think strategically and plan for the long-term success of their team. They are able to make informed and effective decisions that align with their vision and goals.

Great/Good Leader Behaviors

Great leaders exhibit a range of behaviors that set them apart from good leaders. Some of these behaviors include:

1. Setting a good example

Great leaders lead by example and consistently demonstrate the behaviors and values they expect from others.

2. Providing clear direction

Great leaders are able to provide clear direction and guidance to their team, helping them to understand their roles and responsibilities.

3. Being proactive

Great leaders are proactive and take the initiative to anticipate and address potential challenges or obstacles before they arise.

4. Supporting and developing their team

Great leaders are focused on supporting and developing their team, providing opportunities for growth and learning.

5. Making difficult decisions

Great leaders are able to make difficult decisions quickly and confidently, even in uncertain or challenging situations.

6. Communicating effectively

Great leaders are effective communicators and are able to share their vision and direction with their team in a way that motivates and inspires.

7. Building relationships

Great leaders are skilled at building and maintaining relationships, both within their team and with external stakeholders.

8.  Adaptable

Great leaders are adaptable and able to respond to changing circumstances and needs, adjusting their approach as needed.

9. Being accountable 

Great leaders hold themselves and their team accountable for their actions, taking responsibility for their successes and failures.

10. Being passionate

Great leaders are passionate about their work and have a strong drive to succeed. This passion is contagious and inspires others to do their best.

With their leadership skills, Great leaders are able to lead successfully and get the best out of their team.

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