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Motivational Force


Motivational Force

What drives an organization? Is it the people, the work, the clients, or productivity, some may say it's people who drive it, but they are partially right to the extent that those people are highly motivated. Unless there is a motivational force guiding them to achieve the results there cannot be success or achievement in an organization. 

There are so many discourses happening here and there which help employees to stay focused and be in tune with organizational needs, but only some of them succeed because their seminars and workshops can only guide or motivate you to do something in your life, but it is only up to you to implement or execute it in your daily activities and when you apply them correctly, can you achieve success. 

We have often noticed how difficult it gets sometimes to convince someone to do something; they only get convinced if they find some motivating factor in doing that stuff.

Motivation is the real factor that drives an organization, its people plus motivation backing them that they give their 100% and achieve results. Big companies spend billions of dollars each year in arranging workshops just to motivate them; the highly motivated employee will do his best no matter the peer pressure. 

It's well said and true, a person gets easily motivated to do a thing that is simple and easygoing but lacks the same motivation to do a tedious task, now what can be done in such a scenario? They need to be aware of their surroundings, the current circumstances and why is there an urgent need to do that particular task if that sounds lengthy or tedious. 

Motivation is a hot topic of discussion always amongst the HR personnel of any company because that is one of their main objectives. There are lots of factors in which the employees may get de-motivated and those reasons severely arise from work pressure or bias or lack of support and awareness or lack of knowledge to do a particular task. 

It's difficult to know and find out the exact reason behind such type of behavior, the only that can be done is to motivate them in the best possible manner as it could be.

There are lots of people who criticize your actions about motivating people but that shouldn’t deter you from doing the right thing that will be beneficial to all others around you. I am going to share with you some tips that will help you motivate people easily without ever letting them know about your plans:

  • Don’t alienate yourself, be at the center of the topic of discussion, and keep getting back to the point by stressing it over and over again.
  • Don’t become too irritating to people by showing them extra pity-inducing traits, be in a relaxed normal mood. Help people who need some power.
  • Avoid the use of negative language, and support your employees or people in doing the task they have taken up.
  • Make your work interesting by bringing in new stuff that people will enjoy. May whatever work you may be into, it's always important to make it more enjoyable, it works with play always that will let people glued to the task they are already doing.
  • Get yourself associated with reputed people and set examples to follow, it may be either you, yourself, or the person you are with. Stay in the mood of decency and motivate people indirectly. You become the person that you think yourself to be, most of the time.

These are the stuff I wanted to share with you and the saga of motivation is endless especially for organizations to work on their employees’ weaknesses.

Catat Ulasan for "Motivational Force"